Final Refection
This second half of the semester has gone a lot better then the first. I think
this was because we didn’t miss two weeks of classes, and I did feel like I was missing something. Thou I feel like
the best part and were I learned the most was in the classroom at Tibbetts. This is because I am a hands on kind of person
and I learn much better in that kind of setting.
As a course I found this class very interesting, there was a lot of information
to learn. Also there were a lot of good group discussions and being able to talk about things that we have learned or about
things that we have questions. This has helped in my understanding of how children learn.
As for the my grade I feel that I have done good on keeping up with my work
and that since I have never had to turn my work in on a webpage before, which was the hardest part of this class, and having
to keep up with not one but two, I feel that I have earned a good B+ for this semester.