Mid-Term Educating Linguistically Diverse Students
The semester started out really slow, this was because our first time we were supposed to meet,
class was canceled to do a snow day. Then we had only met for two weeks then we didn’t meet for two weeks because Francis
was gone. To be very honest this really through me off because by the time we meet back as a class I just really felt lost
and confused.
When we finally got things back together the class started to move more smoothly. We did spend
a lot of time talking about our Chautauqua’s that we were going to perform for a class at Apache Elementary School.
It helped that we had a couple of examples to get ideas from. Like Houdini who performed at Apache, and for me since I have
two of Francis classes this semester, when Maxime the French Chief that can to class, how we later found out that he wasn’t
supposed to be there and that he had locked Francis in a closet to come to class.
We also talked a lot about Literature Circles and how important they are for students to learn
more about what they are reading about. It also helped me to understand them better when Francis had us meet in group and
do our own literature circles about a book that we had read. This helped because it gave us a good idea about how to run a
literature circle.
Since we have started this semester I have tried really hard to do all that we need to
do, but I have fallen a little behind and I am working on getting this done. So since we have to grade our selves I would
give myself about a B+.